Thursday, March 7, 2013

April fools in February? – US News and World Reports 2013 Best Nursing Homes Report | Senior Housing Forum

April fools in February? – US News and World Reports 2013 Best Nursing Homes Report | Senior Housing Forum: April fools in February? – US News and World Reports 2013 Best Nursing Homes Report
 27 February, 2013 by Steve Moran |


Here is Steve Moran's  take after reading the article and browsing the list:
  • US News & World Report has done a shabby job of reporting.  In fact, they didn’t do any serious reporting or they would have been more cautious about equating a 5 star rating with the highest quality care.
  • It confirms that the 5 star system continues to be flawed.  This is not to say it has no value, but I would argue that at best, it’s value is primarily as a early detection tool to identify and rule out terrible nursing homes.
  • The one reliable conclusion you can draw from the list is that the highly rated skilled buildings are experts at getting a high rating 5 star rating.
  • There are some really great skilled nursing buildings in California and other states that don’t have a 5 star rating.  In fact often these buildings take on patients with complex problems and get terrific results, but because those patients are complex it hurts their star rating.

 an invitation to a twitter chat about the report.    join the conversation.

The editor of the report also responded to the article in the comments and you might want to check that out.

Here is the information you need to join the conversation
Date: Thursday, March 7
Time: 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. EST
Hashtag: #BestNursingHomes
Host: @USNewsHealth