Safety Locks: Cabinets, Drawers, Stoves, Refridergators
- S334 The Sliding Cabinet Lock
is an essential device that can be used to keep your child away from cabinets that are for adults only. This item installs quickly without tools and locks tightly onto cabinet knobs or handles.
- Adhesive Double Locks by Dream Baby, pack of 2, these latches are easy to install, mount to the inside of the cabinet to prevent opening and closing. The push down catch and self locking design provide the security you need.>
- Extra Long Cabinet Glide Lock by Dream Baby. With its extra long length and adjustable design, this lock opens to a distance of 8 1/4 to fit most cabinet knobs or handles. Fits D-shaped handles or mushroom shaped knobs.
- Angle Lock by Dream Baby
perfect for corner appliances, refrigerators, drawers, cupboards and laundry cabinets. These easy to install latches adhere to nearly any smooth surface using a strong adhesive that can be repositioned or removed without leaving a trace.To open, press the button release mechanism and close with a simple snapping action. The lock is easy to install with no screws required.
- Oven Lock by Dream Baby. for ovens, microwaves and other household appliances, these innovative safety items will lessen the chance of burns and other kitchen tragedies. Installation is quick and easy! These locks adhere to your appliances using the included open with a simple snapping action.
- Home Safety Stove Knob Stop (Set of 5)
- Kidco Starter Lock Set
- First Watch Safety Catches for Cabinets & Drawers
- KinderGard Child Safety Cabinet Lock 2 Pack
- Watchdog Latch for Doors
- Oven Front Lock by Safety 1st
- Drawer & Cabinet Babyproofing and Child Safety Locks
- Magnetic Child Safety Locks
The Mag Lock is the most unique safety and security lock on the market today. It is totally concealed and only opens with the patented, extremely powerful, magnetic key, refrigerator and other magnets won't work.
- Hafele H0724541790 'Safe-Fix' Magnetic Child Safety Lock
- On/Off Appliance Lock for Refrigerator, Freezer, Oven and more
- Knife-Safe Kitchen Knife Covers
- Electronic Door Locks Elderly
- Digiper Electronic Door Lock
- Alarm Lock 2000
Combination Weatherproof Digital/Electronic Wireless Proximity Lock
- Alzheimer-Wandering - Door Locks
- Door Guardian Reinforcement Flip Lock
- The Alzheimer's Store Invisible Cabinet Locks