Monday, October 10, 2011

Resource Lists Legal and Financial Issues for People with Alzheimer’s

U.S. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH National Institute on Aging

Resources > Resource Lists Legal and Financial Issues for People with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Resource List Families face a variety of challenges when a loved one develops Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or a related disorder, including coping with legal and financial issues.

This resource list provides an overview of helpful brochures, handbooks, tool kits, and other materials to help people with AD and their caregivers make appropriate decisions. The AD Lib number at the end of each item can be used to search for a full description of the item at, an online database of resources on the ADEAR Center website.

Resources for Low-Income Families Families who cannot afford a lawyer still can do advance planning.

Samples of basic health planning documents can be downloaded from State government websites. Area Agency on Aging officials may provide legal advice or help.

Other possible sources of legal assistance and referral include State legal aid offices, the State bar association, local nonprofit agencies, foundations, and social service agencies.


Facing Alzheimer’s disease can be emotionally wrenching for all concerned. A legal expert and members of the health care team can help the person and family address end-of-life issues. Advance health care and financial planning can help people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and their families confront