Friday, March 22, 2013

Avoiding the Urinary Tract Infection | Alzheimer's Reading Room By Carole B. Larkin

Avoiding the Urinary Tract Infection | Alzheimer's Reading Room: Here are a few tips/tricks that may help you avoid the dreaded UTI -- Urinary Tract Infection.

By Carole B. Larkin

Alzheimer's Reading Room

First, I am not a doctor, nor am I a nurse. I am an experienced Geriatric Care Manager and a woman. Over the years, I had more conversations with urologists and their nurses about urinary tract infections (UTIs) than I care to remember.


The biggest cause of UTI’s is dehydration! It’s ironic, because the thought process of many older adults is,

“if I don’t drink much, then I won’t have to go to the bathroom very often, which is better because it’s a pain in the butt (sorry again!) to get up, get over to the bathroom, partially disrobe, and then go to the bathroom and then do it all in reverse, before I get to relax in my chair or bed again.”
So they don’t drink fluids, which of course leads to dehydration, the leading cause of UTI’s and incontinence (at least in early and midstage Alzheimer’s.) So to prevent UTI’s you must be persistent in having mom drink fluids. Water is best, but among one of the hardest things to get some people to drink, so flavor it with Kool-Aid or something similar. I can’t tell you how many times my clients have ended up with UTI’s just because no one insisted that they drink!