Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Guide to Durable Medical Equipment And Medical Supplies -

A Guide to Durable Medical Equipment And Medical Supplies -

{Q}First, the basic needs of elderly or ill people must be addressed before they or their family members can think about more abstract or long-term issues.

Second, it is very difficult to obtain information about meeting these
basic needs, especially when it comes to finding the right products or
supplies. The policies and practices of third-party payers - whether
private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid - are often confusing and inconsistent.

Nevertheless, with a little persistence and some basic information, you can become a more knowledgeable and satisfied consumer. The reward will be an improved quality of life for both the elderly person and the caregiver. {EQ}

Read the article from end to end.Good information for caregivers, seniors, and families.