Monday, May 3, 2010

How to make a visit to the physician easier for AD patient.

Pleasantries Adult Day Services - Marlboro, Massachusetts - Alternative Alzheimer’s care
Tammy Pozerycki
Owner & Director

Writes in a
Pleasantries A.D.S. newsletter:
It is important that your loved one with Alzheimer's disease have regular visits to his or her physician. These visits should address all medical and behavioral issues which may be related to Alzheimer's disease. In order to experience a productive appointment with the physician, try the following suggestions:

* Choose a "good" time of day for the appointment time (most likely morning will be best.)

* Bring along an activity that your loved one enjoys (books, sorting activity, coloring, etc) as well as a snack and water. This will prepare you for an unexpected wait time.

* Bring a list of all medication including over-the-counter. Create a list of questions in preparation of the minimal time available with the doctor.

* Depending on your situation, it may be helpful to bring someone else with you, such as a close friend or family member.

* Discuss what you can expect for the future and advance directives.

* It is good to take notes as there will be much discussed in a short amount of time.

* Be open and honest. If you are not happy or satisfied with the physician, make he or she aware of your concerns. Switching physicians can be confusing to your loved one and possibly detrimental in the longrun. If discussed, the issues may be resolved.